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Stargazing Events
We offer Star Parties for public and private events. We show you the wonders of the nighttime sky, including stars, constellations, planets, the moon, and other telescopic objects such as nebulae and galaxies. Our Star Parties usually last 1 - 2 hours.
We also offer daytime Solar Viewing! Check out the Sun with a protective solar filter.
For Non-Profit and Educational Stargazing Pricing and Reservations, click HERE.
For Corporate Events, please call us at 512-333-4SCI (4724).

This is Bobby's telescope showing the transit of Mercury on May 9th 2016. See the solar filter on top of the scope?

This is Bobby's same telescope. A Celestron 11" Schmitt-Casegrain Reflector!

This is Lucia and her 8" Orion Newtonian Reflector on a Dobsonian mount.
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